Real Estate Consulting

Deccan Investments are now partners of one of the most successful Financial Advisory firms and has an own portfolio of excellent commercial properties for investors.

DIA has already closed 5 deals in Bangalore and Mysore in commercial real estate.

DIA’s partner firm is with branches in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. Spectra is also a channel partner of over 20 banks and NBFCs.

DIA has partnered with the 20+ years old Spectra – one of the well known financial deal aggregators in South India (banches in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai) – to provide a ful range of financial serices in Real Estate starting from LRD/LAP/Purchase financing/top up loans. See videos to learn more.

With over a 1,000+ successful closures, Spectra over two decades – bankers, consultants from Big % on their team - has the track record and DIA acts as a deal aggregator partner with Spectra to hep clients. DIA alone has over 80+ successful financial disbursements to its credit. DIA is sector agnostic and can help any customer to raise mney via many means such as equity / quasi-eqity / debt / structuring of loans / moratoria etc.

For any of such services any enquiry in North and Central Bangalore is welcome. In case you are unable to load our website properly, just type and it will work on all mobiles and laptops or other computers.



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